Karen Kong

Software Engineer | Researcher | Highlander

Portrait of Karen Kong

Welcome! My name is Karen Kong and I'm an undergraduate Computer Science student at the University of California, Riverside.

My high school's AP Computer Science class ignited my passion for solving challenges and expressing creativity through programming. From then on, my aspirations included earning a degree in computer science and working in the industry.

To me, there's no greater satisfaction than designing, developing, and debugging a piece of code that is then placed into action in a larger project. In my spare time, you'll find me crafting planar graph algorithms and implementing system updates in the research lab and exploring Android application development.

Resume Resume Resume Resume

Technical Skills


Language Skill Level
C++ Proficient
Java Proficient
Python Familiar
C# Familiar
HTML/CSS Familiar
JavaScript Familiar



Facebook University for Engineering Intern - Facebook (Summer 2017)

Android Application Development

Intern - zyBooks (December 2016 - June 2017)

Computer Science course material reviewer and editor for online educational content provider

Research Assistant - Embedded Systems Lab (January 2016 - Present)

Graph Placement Algorithms for the Microfluidic Continuous Flow Framework, supervised by Dr. Philip Brisk and Brian Crites:

Grader - Computer Science and Engineering Department (September 2017 - December 2017)

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) - National Science Foundation (June 2016 - September 2016)

Algorithms for the Design Automation of Microfluidic Laboratories-on-a-Chip (LoCs), supervised by Dr. Philip Brisk and Brian Crites:

Game Developer - Brain Game Center (September 2016 - October 2016)

Implement features for brain memory and cognition training games in C# using Unity Game Engine with Visual Studio


WITS Screenshot
Walk in Their Shoes
Java | Android Studio
Grand Prize Winner at the 2016 San Diego Women's Hackathon
A response to the worldwide refugee crisis.
Circles Screenshot
Grid Routing Framework
C++ | Linux
Implemented Lee's Routing Algorithm, a breadth first search, on a 2D grid with turn reduction and multiple route optimizations.
Aurora Screenshot
Java | Android
Virtual Reality based real estate listing and viewing platform.
Rshell Terminal Shell
C++ | VIM
A Linux terminal shell that uses system calls to execute commands.
Circles Screenshot
Java | Android Studio
Study group and meeting organization application for classes.
Aquatic Codeliners Screenshot
Aquatic Codeliners Game
Visual Basic | Visual Studio
Promotes water conservation efforts in the state of California through an interactive game and water usage calculator.
Modern Art Screenshot
Modern Art
Java | Android Studio
Inspired by the works of modern artists. Users adjust the color of the blocks and launch the MOMA website from the information menu.
Personal Website Screenshot
Personal Website
Learned HTML and CSS to create this website.
Mazes Inc Screenshot
Mazes Inc. Game
Visual Basic | Visual Studio
A maze game in which the user drives a mine cart and fires explosives to removes obstacles.


University of California, Riverside (September 2015 - present)

Computer Science B.S. (Graduating June 2019)

Cumulative GPA: 3.99 | CS Major GPA: 4.00

Leadership Positions

Extracurricular Activities

Scholarships and Honors